The Deauville American Film Festival rolled out its red carpet for the first time this year

Yes­ter­day The Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val rolled out its red car­pet for the first time this year. The par­tic­u­lar con­text has been replaced with the plea­sure of return­ing to the dark­ened cin­e­ma auditorium.
« It’s such a joy to be able to go to the cin­e­ma again, at last » con­fid­ed Vanes­sa Par­adis dur­ing her first appear­ance as Jury President. 

Michael Dou­glas opened the cer­e­mo­ny from a dis­tance with a vibrant trib­ute to his father who died a few months ago. He went back over his leg­endary career and the close ties that unite him to Deauville.

The Cul­ture Min­is­ter, Rose­lyne Bach­e­lot, showed her sup­port for the fes­ti­val by attend­ing the open­ing cer­e­mo­ny of this 46th edi­tion and by defend­ing Cin­e­ma and French Excel­lence. « Cin­e­ma pro­vokes debate. This is what makes it so pre­cious for the con­struc­tion of our iden­ti­ties and the cohe­sion of our society ». 

A strong mes­sage for fes­ti­val goers and film pro­fes­sion­als present at the CID in Deauville.
Bruno Barde, the Fes­ti­val Direc­tor, also spoke of the impor­tance of main­tain­ing the fes­ti­val in the face of adver­si­ty. The fes­ti­val inspires cre­ativ­i­ty and helps to heal the world. Cin­e­ma is not a cure but pro­vides relief for the con­cerns and wor­ries of the human soul. 

The theme of the 2020 edi­tion of the fes­ti­val is Bridges and Walk­ways. Thier­ry Fré­maux and Pierre Les­cure thanked Deauville for wel­com­ing the Cannes film selec­tion. Thier­ry Fré­maux remains pos­i­tive. Cin­e­ma doors will open and we’ll return again and again. 

I’m booking my place ! 

Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


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