Young audience passes

Young peo­ple also have their pro­gram­ming at the Fes­ti­val : The Annecy Pass and the Fris­sons Pass.

Pass Annecy

The Annecy pass

The Annecy Fes­ti­val comes to Deauville with a youth pro­gram of three films, to redis­cov­er the joy of being shown on the big screen, in pub­lic. At a price of 10 euros, the pass will allow entry to the three select­ed films.

CALAMITY by Rémi Chayé — Cristal for a Fea­ture Film (2020) - from 6 years old
LUPIN III by Takashi Yamaza­ki — from 10 years old
PETIT VAMPIRE by Joann Sfar — from 6 years old

The frissons pass

For the fes­ti­val goers who enjoy thrills and genre films, the fes­ti­val will also pro­pose, this year, the Pass Fris­sons. For the excep­tion­al price of 10 euros, they will expe­ri­ence the fol­low­inq pre­miere screenings

PENINSULA by Yeon Sang Ho (South Korea)
TEDDY by Ludovic Boukher­ma & Zoran Boukher­ma (France)

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