The Revelation Jury

Clé­mence Poésy will serve as the Rev­e­la­tion Jury Pres­i­dent for the 2021 Deauville Amer­i­can Film Fes­ti­val. For this 47th edi­tion, she will be accom­pa­nied by Céleste Brun­nquell (actress), India Hair (actress), Lomepal (rap­per-singer) and Kacey Mot­tet Klein (actress).

The Rev­e­la­tion Jury will give out the Louis Roed­er­er Foun­da­tion Rev­e­la­tion Prize at the awards cer­e­mo­ny on Sat­ur­day, Sep­tem­ber 11th.

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