David Siegel



After grad­u­at­ing in archi­tec­ture from UC Berke­ley, David Siegel pur­sued paint­ing at Rhode Island School of Design. In 1994, he wrote, pro­duced and direct­ed with Scott McGe­hee a thriller fea­ture debut Suture which pre­miered at the Cannes Film Fes­ti­val. Their sec­ond film, The Deep End, was pre­sent­ed in com­pe­ti­tion at Deauville in 2001. Mon­tana Sto­ry is their sixth fea­ture film.

2021 Mon­tana Story

2013 What Maisie Knew

2008 Uncertainty

2005 Bee Season

2001 The Deep End

1993 Suture

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