Joann Sfar



Born in 1971 in Nice, after a philo­soph­ic cur­sus, he stud­ied at the Beaux-Arts school in Paris. In 1994, L’Association pub­lished his first com­ic, “Noyé le pois­son”. After adapt­ing “Lit­tle Vam­pire” into an ani­ma­tion series in 2004 for France Tele­vi­sions, he made his fea­ture film direc­to­r­i­al Gains­bourg, which won three César Awards in 2011. He was award­ed with the Best Ani­mat­ed Fea­ture Film César for The Rabbi’s Cat. Lit­tle Vam­pire, based on his works, is his sec­ond ani­mat­ed fea­ture film.

2020 Lit­tle Vam­pire 2015 La Dame dans l’auto avec des lunettes et un fusil 2011 The Rab­bi’s Cat 2010 Gainsbourg

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