Close Encounter with Johnny Depp

As part of its desire to trans­mit and share, the Deauville Fes­ti­val is orga­niz­ing two pub­lic encoun­ters. Fes­ti­val-goers will be able to exchange with John­ny Depp on Sun­day, Sep­tem­ber 5th, fol­low­ing his appear­ance in CITY OF LIES direct­ed by Brad Furman.

Access restrict­ed to Fes­ti­val pass and Dai­ly pass hold­ers upon reser­va­tion only and with­in the lim­it of avail­able places. Reser­va­tion pro­ce­dure to fol­low. Stay con­nect­ed and sub­scribe to our Fes­ti­val newslet­ter : 

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Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


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