City of Lies

By Brad Furman


At the end of the 1990s, two rap­pers on the rise to hip-hop star­dom are mur­dered: 2Pac and The Noto­ri­ous B.I.G. The two men became ene­mies and B.I.G. was sus­pect­ed to be the com­mis­sion­er of the crime. Detec­tive Rus­sell Poole spent near­ly 20 years in search of the elu­sive truth with jour­nal­ist Jack Jack­son. Togeth­er, they explore why the case remains cold — and why a secret divi­sion of the LAPD is seem­ing­ly set on keep­ing it that way.

By : Brad Furman
Duration : 1h51
With : Johnny Depp, Forest Whitaker, Toby Huss, Dayton Callie, Neil Brown Jr., Louis Herthum, Shea Whigham
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Miri­am Segal, Paul Bren­nan & Stu­art Manashil
Script : Chris­t­ian Con­tr­eras, based on the nov­el by Ran­dall Sullivan
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Moni­ka Lenczewska
Edit­ing : Leo Trombetta
Music : Chris Hajian
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Pro­gram Store, +33 7 82 75 86 79,,


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