
By Brad Anderson


Jess Stokes, a new­ly sep­a­rat­ed moth­er and nurse, moves into her old fam­i­ly farm­house with Tyler, her teen-age daugh­ter, and Owen, her eight-year-old son. One night, the fam­i­ly dog sens­es some­thing in the woods and runs off to find it. He returns a cou­ple of days lat­er and attacks Owen, sav­age­ly bit­ing him before Jess is able to inter­vene. Her son is rushed to the hos­pi­tal. His con­di­tion wors­ens, and no one can fig­ure out why… until Jess dis­cov­ers a dis­turb­ing cure… 

In Eng­lish with French subtitles 

By : Brad Anderson
Year : 2022
Duration : 1h48
With : Michelle Monaghan, Skeet Ulrich, Finlay Wojtak-Hissong, June B. Wilde, Skylar Morgan Jones
Nationality : USA


Pro­duc­tion : Ter­ry Dougas, Paris Kas­si­dokostas-Lat­sis, Bil­ly Hines & Gary Levinsohn

Script : Will Hon­ley

Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Björn Char­p­en­tier

Edit­ing : Robert Mead

Music : Matthew Rogers

Pro­duc­tion : Rhea Films

+1 310 860 1121


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