Des hommes

By Lucas Belvaux


In 1960 they were called up to fight in the Alger­ian War. Two years lat­er, Bernard, Rabut, Févri­er and oth­ers came back to France. They kept qui­et, liv­ing in silence. But 40 years lat­er, it takes almost noth­ing — a birth­day par­ty, or a gift held in one’s pock­et — for the past to over­whelm those who have denied it for so long.

By : Lucas Belvaux
Duration : 1h41
With : Gérard Depardieu, Catherine Frot, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Yoann Zimmer, Félix Kysyl, Edouard Sulpice, Fleur Fitoussi
Nationality : France & Belgium

Pro­duc­tion : David Frenkel & Patrick Quinet
Script : Lucas Bel­vaux based on the nov­el by Lau­rent Mauvignier
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Guil­laume Deffontaines
Edit­ing : Ludo Troch
Cast : Gérard Depar­dieu, Cather­ine Frot, Jean-Pierre Dar­roussin, Yoann Zim­mer, Félix Kysyl, Edouard Sulpice, Fleur Fitoussi
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Ad Vitam, +33 1 55 28 97 00,,

In French with Eng­lish subtitles


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