
By Ludovic & Zoran Boukherma


France, Pyrénées. Twen­tysome­thing Ted­dy lives in a fos­ter home and works as a temp in a mas­sage par­lor. Rebec­ca, his girl­friend, will soon grad­u­ate. A scorch­ing hot sum­mer begins. But Ted­dy is scratched by a beast in the woods: the wolf that local angry farm­ers have been hunt­ing for months. As weeks go by, ani­mal pul­sions soon start to over­come the young man…

By : Ludovic & Zoran Boukherma
Duration : 1h28
With : Anthony Bajon, Ludovic Torrent, Christine Gautier, Noémie Lvovsky, Guillaume Mattera, Jean-Paul Fabre
Nationality : France

Pro­duc­tion : Pierre-Louis Gar­non & Frédéric Jouve
Script : Ludovic Boukher­ma & Zoran Boukherma
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Augustin Barbaroux
Edit­ing : Béa­trice Her­minie, Ludovic Boukher­ma & Zoran Boukherma
Music : Amau­ry Chabauty
Cast : Antho­ny Bajon, Ludovic Tor­rent, Chris­tine Gau­ti­er, Noémie Lvovsky, Guil­laume Mat­tera, Jean-Paul Fabre
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : The Jok­ers Films, +33 1 45 26 63 45, info@thejokersfilms.com, www.thejokersfilms.com

In French with Eng­lish subtitles


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