The Assistant

By Kitty Green



Jane, a recent col­lege grad­u­ate and aspir­ing film pro­duc­er, has recent­ly land­ed her dream job as a junior assis­tant to a pow­er­ful enter­tain­ment mogul. Her usu­al day is much like any oth­er assis­tan­t’s — mak­ing cof­fee, chang­ing the paper in the copy machine, order­ing lunch, arrang­ing trav­el, tak­ing phone mes­sages. But as Jane fol­lows her dai­ly rou­tine, she grows increas­ing­ly aware of the abuse that insid­i­ous­ly col­ors every aspect of her work day, an accu­mu­la­tion of degra­da­tions against which Jane decides to take a stand, only to dis­cov­er the true depth of the sys­tem into which she has entered…

By : Kitty Green
Duration : 1h27
With : Julia Garner, Matthew Macfadyen, Makenzie Leigh, Kristine Froseth, Alexander Chaplin, Dagmara Dominczyk, Noah Robbins
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Kit­ty Green, Scott Macaulay, James Schamus, P. Jen­nifer Dana & Ross Jacobson
Script : Kit­ty Green
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Michael Latham
Edit­ing : Kit­ty Green & Blair McClendon
Music : Tamar-kali
Cast : Julia Gar­ner, Matthew Mac­fadyen, Maken­zie Leigh, Kris­tine Froseth, Alexan­der Chap­lin, Dag­mara Dom­inczyk, Noah Robbins
World Sales : Pro­tag­o­nist Pic­ture, +44 77 8989 6242,,

In Eng­lish with French subtitles


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