We Burn Like This

By Alana Waksman


When 22-year-old Rae, a descen­dant of Holo­caust sur­vivors, is tar­get­ed by neo-Nazis in Billings, Mon­tana where she lives, her ances­tors’ trau­ma becomes real. While hit­ting a low after she befriends an old­er man who leads her on a down­ward spi­ral of sub­stance abuse, Rae returns home to her moth­er. As anti-Semi­tism con­tin­ues to rise, Rae must learn to for­give her­self, her moth­er, and the bro­ken world.

By : Alana Waksman
Duration : 1h21
With : Madeleine Coghlan, Devery Jacobs, Kendra Mylnechuk, Casidee Riley, Angelo Rizzo, Megan Folsom
Nationality : USA

Pro­duc­tion : Alana Waks­man, Mar­shall Granger & Jeri Rafter
Scipt : Alana Waksman
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : B. Rubén Mendoza
Edit­ing : Mar­shall Granger
Music : H. Scott Sali­nas & Logan Stahley
World Sales : Motion Pic­ture Exchange, +1 818 305 69 40, ryan@mpxfilms.com, www.mpxfilms.com


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