
All the practical informations

Com­pa­nies lend their image to the Fes­ti­val, as offi­cial part­ners or to devel­op their pub­lic rela­tions through VIP Passes. 

Become a partner

Asso­ci­at­ing your com­pa­ny name with the Fes­ti­val means estab­lish­ing a show­case for your brand, by show­ing your cul­tur­al engage­ment and your desire to share. With­in this frame­work, the idea is to be able to accom­plish the following :

  • enhance the pres­tige of the Fes­ti­val and its values
  • form a reward­ing cul­tur­al part­ner­ship to fur­ther devel­op com­mu­ni­ca­tion and awareness
  • gain access to a pow­er­ful tool for the pro­mo­tion of pub­lic relations
  • focus on a tar­get audi­ence and ben­e­fit from the pres­ence of per­son­al­i­ties : New tal­ents, film indus­try pro­fes­sion­als, film lovers, opin­ion leaders.

We can cre­ate a cus­tomised expe­ri­ence. Lets write the sto­ry together..


Corporate VIP Pass

Every year, the C.I.D lays out the red car­pet to busi­ness­es.

Groups of clients, part­ners and prospects are wel­comed and accom­pa­nied through­out the evening. The pro­gramme includes a VIP wel­come, cock­tails, reserved cin­e­ma seats, din­ner, pho­tos… an unfor­get­table evening at the heart of the Festival !


I’m booking my place ! 

Join us to fol­low the com­pe­ti­tion and meet the guest tal­ents of the Festival!


Online store

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