Last Words

By Jonathan Nossiter


2085, plan­et Earth is a vast desert. For the last sur­vivors who have the strength to hear it, a mys­te­ri­ous “Call” rings out: to meet up in Athens. What if the last five peo­ple on earth found joy and delight? Would human­i­ty sur­vive in some form? A sto­ry of aston­ish­ing human ten­der­ness and inven­tiv­i­ty in the face of eco­log­i­cal catastrophe.

By : Jonathan Nossiter
Duration : 2h06
With : Kalipha Touray, Nick Nolte, Charlotte Rampling, Alba Rohrwacher, Stellan Skarsgard
Nationality : Italie, France & États-Unis 

Pro­duc­tion : Serge Lalou, Lau­rent Bau­jard & Donatel­la Palermo
Script : Jonathan Nos­siter & San­ti­a­go Amigore­na based on the short sto­ry by San­ti­a­go Amigorena
Cin­e­matog­ra­phy : Claris­sa Cappellani
Edit­ing : Jonathan Nossiter
Music : Tom Smail
Cast : Kalipha Touray, Nick Nolte, Char­lotte Ram­pling, Alba Rohrwach­er, Stel­lan Skarsgard
Dis­tri­b­u­tion : Jour2Fête, +33 1 40 22 92 15,,

In Eng­lish & Ital­ian with French subtitles


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