Ever since 1995, the year when the fes­ti­val became a com­pe­ti­tion, it has been our ambi­tion to show­case the best of Amer­i­can inde­pen­dent cin­e­ma. This edition’s film­mak­ers, many mak­ing their fea­ture debuts, aspire to pro­vide an artis­tic answer to ques­tions posed by the world. Inter­ro­gat­ing the future, their cam­eras exam­ine child­hood and youth with trou­bling and mov­ing acu­ity, mak­ing a recur­ring theme out of the pas­sage into adult­hood. One might say these direc­tors are using screens as reflec­tive mir­rors. Rugged and appeal­ing, this com­pe­ti­tion should ignite pas­sions all around. That is our hope. 

Bruno Barde, Fes­ti­val Director

The list of films in competition :

1–800-HOT-NITE by Nick Richey

AFTERSUN by Char­lotte Wells — 1st film 

DUAL by Riley Stearns

EMILY THE CRIMINAL by John Pat­ton Ford — 1st film 

MONTANA STORY by Scott McGe­heeDavid Siegel

OVER/UNDER by Sophia Sil­ver — 1st film 

PALM TREES AND POWER LINES by Jamie Dack — 1st film 


SCRAP by Vivian Kerr — 1st film 

STAY AWAKE by Jamie Sis­ley — 1st film 

THE SILENT TWINS by Agniesz­ka Smoczyńska 

WAR PONY by Gina Gam­mellRiley Keough — 1st film 

WATCHER by Chloe Okuno — 1st film

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